Wednesday, November 20, 2019

Reflection paper Research Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1000 words

Reflection - Research Paper Example I like this film because the director is able to find out an apt solution for the emotional problems faced by the high school students. Problems faced by teenagers/adolescents The teenagers/adolescents feel that that they are no more children. On the other side, elders are not ready to consider them as grown up individuals. This status between the worlds of children and elders is really frustrating for the teenagers/adolescents. So, the teenagers/adolescents in high schools are forced to form their own gangs or cliques. In the film, the children from the Shermer High School undergo detention and this change their lives. Barsanti (2010) stated that, â€Å"A cross-section of high schoolers spend Saturday detention testing each other’s limits, probing for weaknesses, categorizing, and defining† (p.49). The students are aware of the fact that they are from different groups and cliques. In the beginning, they refuse to share their personal matters. Gradually, they began to s hare their personal matters and the problems faced by them. In the film, the teenager named as Allison Reynolds reveals that she is compulsive liar. On the other side, John Bender is facing some adjustment problem at his home because homely matters disturb him a lot. In the end, all the children came to realize the fact that they face similar problems. Most of the parents consider that their children should obey them without any objection. One can see that the grass root level reason behind the faced by teenagers/adolescents is interconnected with their families. For instance, the high school children in the film face a number of problems in their families and this leads to further problems at the school. Their hatred towards their parents eventually leads them towards misbehavior and punishment. So, this film reveals that the elders must try to understand the fact that family problems can lead teenagers/adolescents to misbehavior at schools. Family circumstance and individual devel opment In my opinion, family circumstance can exert positive or negative influence on individual development. For instance, most of the troublemakers at schools are from broken families. When a child is not able to have enough emotional attachment at home, it will react in a different way. One can see that the most important factor behind the success of a family is unity or deep relationship among the members. If the elder members of a family fail to provide enough love and care to the youngsters, there exists high possibility for emotional problems. In the film, problems within the private circle leads the children towards further problems at their school. On the other side, their teachers are not ready to find out the reason behind their misbehavior. For instance, their teacher (Mr. Vernon) never tires to find out the reason behind their misconduct. If the teacher tries to talk with them, he can easily find out the problem and can help them to overcome the same. I consider that th e students must try to discuss their problems with their teachers. If students face some problem in their private circle, they can discuss the same with their teachers. In the film, peer group influence is strong among the students and they are not aware of the drawbacks of the same. So, the director makes use of the lives of high school children to reveal the relationship between family circumstan

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